Lilypichu This Is Not Funny This Is Not Cute
- Really, any time Lily curses. Whether it be a Precision F-Strike or a Cluster F-Bomb, there's just something fundamentally hilarious hearing them from such an innocent, child-like voice. Enough that when she becomes the VA of Sayu, fans jokingly put on Lily's curses as her 'voicelines' and it's still hilarious.
- Annie & Tibbers
, where she combines her own simple drawings, voice acting and an incredible cameo of StephanosRex. It's basically Annie abusing Tibbers verbally for things he does, and goes through all her skins... until it's time for Reverse Annie, and... well...
- The TL;DR Jayce
which might look normal of StephanosRex narrating about Jayce and boasts that he's awesome. Lily (as Teemo) has some things to say:
Jayce (Rex): Oh! The End!
- Rex's Viktor's line and impression as well: "Hey, Jayce. Help me make weird robot people and stuffs, it'll be great!"
- Lily got trolled and forced to release a TL;DR Urgot
, starting with this line: "I hate all of you. T_T"
- Her 'TL;DR' rendition of Poppy might look normal, but the early and preview picture might general some laughter, because Lily purposely misspells her as 'Poopy'.
- 7 Tips For Solo Queue
, in which Lily instead lists up rude things that many would do in Solo Queue. However, she still gets the point across in the last bullet:
And number 7. If you actually do any of the above, I hate you.
- tl;dr - LoL ranked games
features Lily describing ranked games with an extended analogy of making a cake with 4 other players and how it all goes horribly wrong due to the game's notoriously toxic playerbase. It's best summed up with this funny, yet depressingly common line:
"You try to insist that the cake would be much better with chocolate icing, but they tell you to commit suicide."
- At one point during Leblonk - Potatoes
video, Lily started comparing her staying up late to play with Uguubear to something in an H-Game, cutting to a Visual Novel-style interface featuring Uguubear.
Uguubear: Will you... stay the night with me?
Of course I will!
-> Go fuck yourself.- The ending comment about it: Uguubear Visual Novel coming at 2017. We'll wait. Didn't come to pass.
- Wendell
, a video cementing just how hilarious Lily can be when paired with Natsumiii (Wendy).
- The beginning of the video:
Natsumiii: Someone asked me if I'm into BDSM.
Lily: She is.
Natsumiii: What the hell? You can't answer for me!
Lily: She is. Oh my God, if you just know the shit Wendy's into, holy shit the stories! *hums a Pokémon theme*
- Her insistence to make Battle Cry when charging up Varus' arrows, and then suggesting that Natsumiii does the same when doing Morgana's Tormented Soil. Unfortunately, the sound she describes her to make, in Wendy's words "sounded like I just took a poo!"
- Then, she makes an impeccable timing to interrupt Natsumiii's monologue:
Natsumiii: Wait, wait, I have to buy something. I'm gonna buy this—
Lily: *plants a ward just as Natsumiii finishes the last word* Kchoo!
Natsumiii: Wha—Pfft!
- Around this time, it would seem that Lily's team is having a good time and about to win. "And then we threw the game and lost."
- Lily being a Fake Brit and acting like Natsumiii's overbearing mother, calling her Wendell all the time.
- "Teabag, wooooo!" And then Natsumiii's house gets a blackout and Lily's team loses.
- This video (More Lux)
, where she starts trolling Jummychu, HARD.
- She starts the game by going excessively on how she likes Lux, to the point that Jummy tells her to shut up.
- The entire back-and-forth mess starting from around 1:35, where Lily gets repeated brushes against instant death as payback for baiting Jummy into a futile 1v2, who screams at the enemy for her death. Jummy gets the last laugh at the very last second.
- Lily then spends the rest of the game kill stealing Jummy's possible kills and gets him to wail in despair as Lily became ahead of her score, and then rubs the salt with this:
Lily: Oh my God. Jummy, come on, the game isn't even close anymore! Aren't you like Challenger or something? Come on, Jummy! Isn't Draven like one of your best AD Carries too? *gasp!* Don't tell me you're actually gonna lose to a lowly Platinum player! Wow, Jummy, I thought you were MUCH better than this.
- "Lux like I'm signing out, by winning! Woo! Jummysucks." This is then followed by an adorably half-assed apology. "Jummy, Jummy, Shokugeki!"
- The Stinger. Turns out, the video was meant to explain why Jummy suddenly tweeted "I hate Lux" shortly before the video came out. She displays the tweet, plastered with Lux's chibi face and laugh.
- Bonus points, RobertXLee posted a video of the same game from his perspective that's even called "I'm Lilypichu."
And to begin with, the video image features Robert in a sailor suit, and he begins the video by doing a high pitched Lily impersonation with "I'm LilyPichu!"
- Senpai Ahri
. So that time Lily was Trolling? She gets trolled back hard, especially by RobertXLee, playing her signature champion of Lux.
- During a particularly stressful teamfight, everybody demonstrates their communication skills.
- Lily (Ahri) chases a ridiculously durable Garen for a good half minute, and almost manages to whittle him down all by herself... then bam, Robert steals it using Lux's ultimate at the last second.
Fuck, I worked so hard for that kill...!
- Robert tries to make that up by offering Lily a blue buff... but then snatches it for himself in the last second, running off by claiming that it's his best day. At that point, Lily attempts to quit the game...
- Robert later suggests to get a skeptical Lily another blue buff, but this time keeping his word... then it gets stolen by Jummy. During the pause to comprehend what happened Jummy (who lived in the same place as Lily at the time) personally rushes into her room just to yell "SWAAAAAAGGG!!"
- During a particularly stressful teamfight, everybody demonstrates their communication skills.
- In the credits of an /ALL Chat video in which Lily appears in,
everybody is goofing off doing impressions of various champions. Lily does a flawless impression of Annie, even including her signature laugh.
...that was actually my laugh, I'm sorry.
- In jinx - domjomuguuariachu
, Lily uses her ult to Lead the Target and blindly kill a Kassadin the instant he recalls back to his fountain... and immediately gets ganked by three enemies.
- caffeine rush ashe
features Lily hyped up on coffee, quickly annoying Jummychu by repeatedly saying random quotes ad nauseum, from random League champions to Navi, eventually just devolving into cute cat noises.
Lily: Hey Jummy, what's your favorite am-i-nal?
Lily: Am-i-nal!
Lily: Am-i-
Jummy: Narwhal.
Lily: -what.- Conversely, sleepy ashe
features Lily very tired during a 24-hour stream, and an even more tired Natsumiii, leaving Lily to subtitle her incomprehensible, sleep-deprived Angrish. This gets especially hilarious when she pulls off another blind ultimate snipe similar to above, but is again about to be killed by oncoming enemies. This time, she does manage to barely escape, but during all of this, Natsumiii dies once again on the other side of the map.
- Conversely, sleepy ashe
- The intro to jummyuguuchu
has Jummy, Uguubear, and Lily introduced by making silly, improvised noises as their name is called. Lily's noise upon having her name called? SHE MOANS. Cute team-wide hysteria and Lily immediately slinking away in regret.
- In the intro to "sleepy ashe" later on, as she, Natsumii and Jummy are all sleep-deprived from being 15 hours into a 24-hour marathon stream, they attempt to do the same thing. The noise Jummy makes simply can't be summarized in written form, it just has to be heard.
- In the intro to "sleepy ashe" later on, as she, Natsumii and Jummy are all sleep-deprived from being 15 hours into a 24-hour marathon stream, they attempt to do the same thing. The noise Jummy makes simply can't be summarized in written form, it just has to be heard.
- Lulupichu
, aka "Lily plays Lulu and desperately trying to act 'in-character'," being the hyper adorable yordle girl in addition snorting and yelling "Hiyah!" when she shoots out a Glitterlance. It's both adorable and funny enough, but it's made better by how audibly annoyed her entire team is by it, constantly trying to ignore her and her efforts.
- Throughout the video she intersperses her Nyoron Churuya-san-style doodles of Pool Party Lulu.
When Aerodactyl finally decides to thank Lily, both she and the doodle go ballistic.
- Lily pretty much Trolls and tilts Robert the entire game, stealing his minion kills, going Leeroy Jenkins, etc., with fans suspecting that this was Lily's revenge over Robert's trolling in the "Senpai Ahri" video above.
Robert: Jummy, you wanna switch computers?
- Right after that, Lily decided to switch supporting Mid-Lane, much to Robert's protests. Her reasoning?
- Then in the end of video, just before winning, Lily got caught in Ahri's Charm and got pounded to death. Robert's response? "DIE DIE DIE!"
- Throughout the video she intersperses her Nyoron Churuya-san-style doodles of Pool Party Lulu.
- Lily's Summoners Con 2015 video is a heartwarming video of her having fun with friends and her showing that she's getting over her camera shyness by appearing on camera at times, but during the cosplay session, she meets the Best Cosplay NA... a black dude with
Lily's pink wig and yellow shirt.
- The (short) entirety of her Let's Play of Surgeon Simulator.
It's the Cute and Psycho Dissonant Laughter 2 seconds in.
- Animating is hard
. It may be, but... making the animation being about abusing the hell out of your creations? Lily...
- The Running Gag during her Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc playthrough, wherein everyone she deems her 'waifu' always ends up being one of the next people to die, much to her dismay.
- Lily experiences the Hell that is
Dark Souls III...
"Oh, there's a chest here! (Mimic monster arises and instakills her character) Oh, what the fuck!?"
- At the end of part 2, she ends up knocked off a cliff by an enemy who also somehow falls after her. When she respawns, she returns and finds out the enemy is still dead, but missteps and falls off the cliff again anyway.
- TL;DR Widowmaker
. Not the tl;dr, but because it was short, Lily decided to end the video by showing some 'sick play'... AKA Lily Epic Fail-ing as Widowmaker twice.
- ❀ELEMENTALIST LUX highlight - first impression ❀
has Lily trying out Elementalist Lux for a few games. First game has her go Nature to Mystic constantly Squeeing about how cute she is. Second game has her anguished because she wasn't able to reach her second-tier form past water since the enemy surrendered. Third game has her just go irreverent after repeated successes, then attempts to surrender when she accidentally flashes for blue buff. For the last game, her party decides to go in the All For One mode, where all 10 players are Lux... giant lasers everywhere.
- ArURF (๑╹っ╹๑)
features a ton, as to be expected due to the inherent ridiculousness of the game mode and the random champs Lily gets:
- Her first game starts Lily off as Illaoi, who she's never played before. The next 30 seconds is her repeatedly and enthusiastically calling out "SMASH!", feeding the enemy, then losing the game at 0/11/0, full score at 10/51.
- Another game has her as Garen, and since the low cooldowns allow him to spin to win forever, she spends the entire game going spinning like a top of death, all while cheerfully going "Wheeeeeee!"
- As she's playing Ashe, Lily plays a short montage of her failing to hit the shots of her ultimate, complete with Kiai noises. One of them unexpectedly has a cartoon version of her riding an arrow sweeping across the bottom-right corner as she makes sounds of audible disappointment, and in another, she mourns her arrow missing as she fails to realize she's getting instakilled.
- Lily's game as Jhin has her trying to act in-character, imitating some of his lines. Given her voice, her attempts at stoicism sound utterly adorable and hilarious, especially as she says "In carnage, I bloom..." every time she uses her ult.
- In another moment in the same game, as 4 of the 5 enemies are dead, she and a teammate camp a bush near the Baron pit for the last enemy to pass by:
- In a similar vein to Illaoi, her Lee Sin game has her repeatedly attempting to pull of an Insec "ward-hop-behind-enemy-and-kick-them-into-her-team" play, but not having the dexterity to pull that off, it goes as well as you expect.
- Lily finally ends up playing Urgot, after being guilt-tripped into trading with Jummy for her stream. The best part? She actually does surprisingly well, and enjoys playing him! Sorta.
- In the last game's champ select, Lily trades her Riven with Jummy to reroll for a better one, and ends up with Talon, who she refuses to play. Jummy, being who he is, refuses to trade back... but in a remarkable moment of karmic payback, Lily proceeds to utterly kick ass as Jummy gives first blood and gets his kills stolen for the entire game.
- In one Among Us Lily thinks Sykkuno is an "Impostor" and airs her suspicions to the group. Sykkuno tries to deflect, but he realizes she knows too much to live (and her next round might get the others to kill him if she survives). He kills her character,
then he hears her scream in real life, and since at the time (September 2020) he had roomed at the Offline TV house, Lily storms his room and stream, screaming "I KNEW YOU WERE SUS!"
- This Instagram post
shows Lily can be just as much a troll as her boyfriend (as of Feb 2020), Michael Reeves is (when he's sleeping, she posts a picture of her "giving him the finger").
- Toast's "mafia/religion" plan involving the Offline TV crew
. Lily has to keep intervening that he's just joking, only for Toast to claim otherwise.
- Then there's the entire Brodin bit where both Toast and Lily order him to do two completely opposite things. Finally, Toast tells Lily to sit down, which she does only to realize that she just got duped.
- Ironically, the idea of the "Comfy Cartel" went to two artists who decided to make a web-comic about the fictionalized Offline TV group and their associates, now Mafia/Underworld figures. The website is here.
- When doing RP of Grand Theft Auto Lily takes the role of Rose-Haired Sweetie Knife Nut "Tulip Peach." She has a rap intro
(which Lily said took her 10 minutes to write). Once she gets turned into her Cutebut Psycho mode, though, Tulip brings out the knife
and all Hell Breaks Loose.
- Michael is looking for someone to voice a chill, calm voice lines for his roomba
and thinks Lily is the perfect person to ask for... Ha ha.
Lily: (Subtitled: Streamer Lady, OfflineTV CEO, "MonkaS") Hello?
Michael: Hey, Lily! How's it going? Uh, so I have this robot that swears. It's way too angry. I need someone to kinda like cool it down, would you be OK with doing some calm voice lines—
Lily: Fuck no! I wanna swear! Like, really angry shit! (Subtitle vanishes) Like, fucking horrible stuffs! Like depression, (Subtitle now replaced with "Fucking. Psychopath.") and darkness and pain and suffering...
Michael: ....
Michael: (deep breath) .... It's perfect.
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