The Technique and Practice of Object Relations Family Therapy

Field of psychology

Family therapy (too referred to as family counseling, family systems therapy, marriage and family therapy, couple and family therapy) is a branch of psychology that works with families and couples in intimate relationships to nurture change and development. It tends to view change in terms of the systems of interaction betwixt family unit members.

The dissimilar schools of family therapy have in common a belief that, regardless of the origin of the problem, and regardless of whether the clients consider it an "individual" or "family" event, involving families in solutions often benefits clients. This involvement of families is commonly accomplished by their direct participation in the therapy session. The skills of the family therapist thus include the ability to influence conversations in a manner that catalyses the strengths, wisdom, and support of the wider system.[1]

In the field's early years, many clinicians divers the family in a narrow, traditional manner usually including parents and children. As the field has evolved, the concept of the family unit is more commonly defined in terms of strongly supportive, long-term roles and relationships betwixt people who may or may not be related by blood or marriage.

The conceptual frameworks developed by family therapists, particularly those of family systems theorists, have been applied to a wide range of human behavior, including organisational dynamics and the study of greatness.

History and theoretical frameworks

Formal interventions with families to help individuals and families experiencing various kinds of bug have been a part of many cultures, probably throughout history. These interventions have sometimes involved formal procedures or rituals, and often included the extended family as well as not-kin members of the community (see for instance Ho'oponopono). Following the emergence of specialization in various societies, these interventions were ofttimes conducted by particular members of a community – for example, a principal, priest, doc, and so on - normally as an ancillary function.[ii]

Family therapy as a distinct professional person practice within Western cultures can be argued to have had its origins in the social piece of work movements of the 19th century in the United Kingdom and the United States.[ii] As a branch of psychotherapy, its roots tin can exist traced somewhat later to the early 20th century with the emergence of the child guidance movement and union counseling.[3] The formal development of family therapy dates from the 1940s and early on 1950s with the founding in 1942 of the American Association of Spousal relationship Counselors (the forerunner of the AAMFT), and through the work of various independent clinicians and groups - in the Britain (John Bowlby at the Tavistock Clinic), the United States (Donald deAvila Jackson, John Elderkin Bell, Nathan Ackerman, Christian Midelfort, Theodore Lidz, Lyman Wynne, Murray Bowen, Carl Whitaker, Virginia Satir, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy), and in Hungary, D.L.P. Liebermann - who began seeing family unit members together for ascertainment or therapy sessions.[2] [4] There was initially a strong influence from psychoanalysis (most of the early founders of the field had psychoanalytic backgrounds) and social psychiatry, and afterward from learning theory and beliefs therapy - and significantly, these clinicians began to clear various theories about the nature and functioning of the family as an entity that was more a mere aggregation of individuals.[3]

The move received an important boost starting in the early 1950s through the work of anthropologist Gregory Bateson and colleagues – Jay Haley, Donald D. Jackson, John Weakland, William Fry, and later, Virginia Satir, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, Paul Watzlawick and others – at Palo Alto in the The states, who introduced ideas from cybernetics and general systems theory into social psychology and psychotherapy, focusing in particular on the part of communication (see Bateson Project). This arroyo eschewed the traditional focus on individual psychology and historical factors – that involve then-chosen linear causation and content – and emphasized instead feedback and homeostatic mechanisms and "rules" in here-and-now interactions – so-called circular causation and process – that were thought to maintain or exacerbate bug, whatever the original cause(s).[5] [vi] (Run across as well systems psychology and systemic therapy.) This group was as well influenced significantly by the piece of work of US psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and brief therapist, Milton H. Erickson - especially his innovative use of strategies for modify, such as paradoxical directives (see likewise Reverse psychology). The members of the Bateson Project (similar the founders of a number of other schools of family therapy, including Carl Whitaker, Murray Bowen, and Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy) had a particular interest in the possible psychosocial causes and treatment of schizophrenia, peculiarly in terms of the putative "meaning" and "function" of signs and symptoms within the family system. The research of psychiatrists and psychoanalysts Lyman Wynne and Theodore Lidz on communication deviance and roles (e.g., pseudo-mutuality, pseudo-hostility, schism and skew) in families of people with schizophrenia too became influential with systems-communications-oriented theorists and therapists.[iii] [7] A related theme, applying to dysfunction and psychopathology more generally, was that of the "identified patient" or "presenting problem" as a manifestation of or surrogate for the family's, or fifty-fifty social club's, problems. (Run across as well double bind; family nexus.)

By the mid-1960s, a number of distinct schools of family therapy had emerged. From those groups that were well-nigh strongly influenced by cybernetics and systems theory, there came MRI Brief Therapy, and slightly after, strategic therapy, Salvador Minuchin's Structural Family unit Therapy and the Milan systems model. Partly in reaction to some aspects of these systemic models, came the experiential approaches of Virginia Satir and Carl Whitaker, which downplayed theoretical constructs, and emphasized subjective experience and unexpressed feelings (including the subconscious), authentic advice, spontaneity, creativity, full therapist engagement, and often included the extended family. Concurrently and somewhat independently, there emerged the various intergenerational therapies of Murray Bowen, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, James Framo, and Norman Paul, which present unlike theories about the intergenerational transmission of wellness and dysfunction, but which all deal usually with at least three generations of a family (in person or conceptually), either straight in therapy sessions, or via "homework", "journeys home", etc. Psychodynamic family therapy - which, more than than whatsoever other schoolhouse of family therapy, deals directly with individual psychology and the unconscious in the context of current relationships - continued to develop through a number of groups that were influenced by the ideas and methods of Nathan Ackerman, and also by the British School of Object Relations and John Bowlby's work on attachment. Multiple-family unit group therapy, a precursor of psychoeducational family intervention, emerged, in office, as a businesslike culling form of intervention - specially as an adjunct to the treatment of serious mental disorders with a significant biological basis, such as schizophrenia - and represented something of a conceptual challenge to some of the "systemic" (and thus potentially "family-blaming") paradigms of pathogenesis that were implicit in many of the dominant models of family unit therapy. The late-1960s and early on-1970s saw the development of network therapy (which bears some resemblance to traditional practices such as Ho'oponopono) past Ross Speck and Carolyn Attneave, and the emergence of behavioral marital therapy (renamed behavioral couples therapy in the 1990s; see also human relationship counseling) and behavioral family therapy as models in their ain right.[3]

By the late-1970s, the weight of clinical feel - peculiarly in relation to the treatment of serious mental disorders - had led to some revision of a number of the original models and a moderation of some of the before stridency and theoretical purism. There were the beginnings of a full general softening of the strict demarcations between schools, with moves toward rapprochement, integration, and eclecticism – although in that location was, nevertheless, some hardening of positions within some schools. These trends were reflected in and influenced by lively debates within the field and critiques from various sources, including feminism and post-modernism, that reflected in part the cultural and political tenor of the times, and which foreshadowed the emergence (in the 1980s and 1990s) of the various "post-systems" constructivist and social constructionist approaches. While there was yet debate within the field about whether, or to what degree, the systemic-constructivist and medical-biological paradigms were necessarily antonymous to each other (see as well Anti-psychiatry; Biopsychosocial model), at that place was a growing willingness and trend on the role of family unit therapists to work in multi-modal clinical partnerships with other members of the helping and medical professions.[three] [7] [8]

From the mid-1980s to the present, the field has been marked by a diversity of approaches that partly reflect the original schools, but which as well draw on other theories and methods from individual psychotherapy and elsewhere – these approaches and sources include: brief therapy, structural therapy, constructivist approaches (e.g., Milan systems, post-Milan/collaborative/conversational, reflective), Bring forthism arroyo (e.g. Dr. Karl Tomm's IPscope model and Interventive interviewing), solution-focused therapy, narrative therapy, a range of cerebral and behavioral approaches, psychodynamic and object relations approaches, attachment and emotionally focused therapy, intergenerational approaches, network therapy, and multisystemic therapy (MST).[9] [ten] [11] [12] [13] [14] [xv] [16] Multicultural, intercultural, and integrative approaches are being developed, with Vincenzo Di Nicola weaving a synthesis of family therapy and transcultural psychiatry in his model of cultural family therapy, A Stranger in the Family: Civilization, Families, and Therapy.[17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] Many practitioners claim to be "eclectic", using techniques from several areas, depending upon their ain inclinations and/or the needs of the customer(s), and at that place is a growing movement toward a single "generic" family therapy that seeks to incorporate the best of the accumulated knowledge in the field and which can be adapted to many different contexts;[28] however, there are still a significant number of therapists who adhere more than or less strictly to a particular, or limited number of, approach(es).[29]

The Liberation Based Healing framework for family therapy offers a consummate paradigm shift for working with families while addressing the intersections of race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation and other socio-political identity markers.[xxx] This theoretical approach and praxis is informed past Critical Pedagogy, Feminism, Critical Race Theory, and Decolonizing Theory.[31] This framework necessitates an agreement of the ways Colonization, Cis-Heteronormativity, Patriarchy, White Supremacy and other systems of domination impact individuals, families and communities and centers the need to disrupt the condition quo in how power operates. Traditional Western models of family therapy accept historically ignored these dimensions and when white, male privilege has been critiqued, largely by feminist theory practitioners, it has oft been to the benefit of middle class, white women'southward experiences.[32] While an understanding of intersectionality is of particular significance in working with families with violence, a liberatory framework examines how power, privilege and oppression operate within and across all relationships. Liberatory practices are based on the principles of Critical-Consciousness, Accountability and Empowerment. These principles guide not only the content of the therapeutic work with clients just also the supervisory and training process of therapists.[31] Dr. Rhea Almeida, adult the Cultural Context Model as a way to operationalize these concepts into practise through the integration of culture circles, sponsors, and a socio-educational process within the therapeutic work.[33]

Ideas and methods from family therapy take been influential in psychotherapy by and large: a survey of over 2,500 US therapists in 2006 revealed that of the ten most influential therapists of the previous quarter-century, three were prominent family therapists and that the marital and family systems model was the second virtually utilized model later cognitive behavioral therapy.[34]


Family therapy uses a range of counseling and other techniques including:

  • Structural therapy - identifies and re-orders the organisation of the family system
  • Strategic therapy - looks at patterns of interactions between family unit members
  • Systemic/Milan therapy - focuses on belief systems
  • Narrative therapy - restorying of dominant problem-saturated narrative, emphasis on context, separation of the problem from the person
  • Transgenerational therapy - transgenerational transmission of unhelpful patterns of belief and behaviour
  • IPscope model and Interventive Interviewing
  • communication theory
  • psychoeducation
  • psychotherapy
  • human relationship counseling
  • relationship teaching
  • systemic coaching
  • systems theory
  • reality therapy
  • the genogram

The number of sessions depends on the situation, but the average is 5-20 sessions. A family therapist usually meets several members of the family unit at the same time. This has the advantage of making differences betwixt the means family unit members perceive mutual relations as well as interaction patterns in the session apparent both for the therapist and the family unit. These patterns oftentimes mirror habitual interaction patterns at home, fifty-fifty though the therapist is now incorporated into the family unit system. Therapy interventions usually focus on relationship patterns rather than on analyzing impulses of the unconscious heed or early babyhood trauma of individuals equally a Freudian therapist would practise - although some schools of family therapy, for example psychodynamic and intergenerational, do consider such individual and historical factors (thus embracing both linear and circular causation) and they may use instruments such equally the genogram to help to elucidate the patterns of relationship beyond generations.

The distinctive feature of family therapy is its perspective and belittling framework rather than the number of people nowadays at a therapy session. Specifically, family therapists are relational therapists: They are generally more interested in what goes on between individuals rather than within one or more individuals, although some family therapists—in particular those who identify as psychodynamic, object relations, intergenerational, or experiential family therapists (EFTs)—tend to exist equally interested in individuals every bit in the systems those individuals and their relationships constitute. Depending on the conflicts at upshot and the progress of therapy to date, a therapist may focus on analyzing specific previous instances of disharmonize, every bit by reviewing a past incident and suggesting alternative ways family members might have responded to one some other during it, or instead go on directly to addressing the sources of conflict at a more abstract level, as past pointing out patterns of interaction that the family unit might have non noticed.

Family therapists tend to be more interested in the maintenance and/or solving of problems rather than in trying to identify a single cause. Some families may perceive cause-issue analyses equally attempts to allocate blame to ane or more individuals, with the effect that for many families a focus on causation is of little or no clinical utility. It is of import to note that a circular manner of trouble evaluation is used as opposed to a linear route. Using this method, families tin be helped by finding patterns of behaviour, what the causes are, and what can be done to meliorate their state of affairs.[35]

Bear witness base of operations

Family therapy has an evolving bear witness base. A summary of current show is bachelor via the Great britain'due south Association of Family unit Therapy.[36] Evaluation and outcome studies can also be found on the Family Therapy and Systemic Research Centre website. The website too includes quantitative and qualitative research studies of many aspects of family unit therapy.[37]

Co-ordinate to a 2004 French government study conducted by French Plant of Health and Medical Research, family and couples therapy was the second most constructive therapy later Cognitive behavioral therapy.[38] The report used meta-assay of over a hundred secondary studies to detect some level of effectiveness that was either "proven" or "presumed" to be. Of the treatments studied, family unit therapy was presumed or proven effective at treating schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anorexia and alcohol dependency.[38]

Concerns and criticism

In a 1999 address to the Coalition of Wedlock, Family and Couples Education conference in Washington, D.C., University of Minnesota Professor William Doherty said:

"I take no joy in beingness a whistle blower, but information technology's fourth dimension. I am a committed union and family unit therapist, having good this form of therapy since 1977. I train marriage and family therapists. I believe that spousal relationship therapy can be very helpful in the hands of therapists who are committed to the profession and the do. But there are a lot of problems out there with the practise of therapy - a lot of problems."[39]

Doherty suggested questions prospective clients should enquire a therapist earlier beginning treatment:[39]

  1. "Tin can you describe your groundwork and preparation in marital therapy?"
  2. "What is your mental attitude toward salvaging a troubled marriage versus helping couples pause upwardly?"
  3. "What is your approach when one partner is seriously considering ending the union and the other wants to save information technology?"
  4. "What percentage of your practice is marital therapy?"
  5. "Of the couples y'all treat, what percentage would yous say work out enough of their problems to stay married with a reasonable amount of satisfaction with the relationship." "What percentage break up while they are seeing you?" "What percent practise not improve?" "What do you think makes the differences in these results?"

Licensing and degrees

Family therapy practitioners come up from a range of professional person backgrounds, and some are specifically qualified or licensed/registered in family therapy (licensing is not required in some jurisdictions and requirements vary from identify to place). In the United Kingdom, family therapists volition take a prior relevant professional person training in one of the helping professions commonly psychologists, psychotherapists, or counselors who have done further training in family therapy, either a diploma or an M.Sc. In the United States there is a specific caste and license as a matrimony and family therapist; however, psychologists, nurses, psychotherapists, social workers, or counselors, and other licensed mental wellness professionals may practice family therapy. In the United kingdom, family therapists who take completed a four-year qualifying plan of study (MSc) are eligible to annals with the professional person body the Association of Family Therapy (AFT), and with the Great britain Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

A chief's degree is required to work every bit a Matrimony and Family Therapist (MFT) in some American states. Almost ordinarily, MFTs will first earn a M.S. or Chiliad.A. caste in marriage and family unit therapy, counseling, psychology, family studies, or social work. Afterward graduation, prospective MFTs work as interns nether the supervision of a licensed professional and are referred to as an MFTi.[40] [ unreliable medical source? ]

Prior to 1999 in California, counselors who specialized in this area were called Marriage, Family and Child Counselors. Today, they are known equally Union and Family Therapists (MFT), and piece of work variously in private do, in clinical settings such as hospitals, institutions, or counseling organizations.

Marriage and family therapists in the United States and Canada often seek degrees from accredited Masters or Doctoral programs recognized by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), a sectionalization of the American Clan of Wedlock and Family unit Therapy.

Requirements vary, merely in most states about 3000 hours of supervised work equally an intern are needed to sit for a licensing exam. MFTs must be licensed past the state to practise. Merely afterward completing their education and internship and passing the state licensing exam can a person call themselves a Marital and Family unit Therapist and work unsupervised.

License restrictions can vary considerably from state to country. Contact information about licensing boards in the Usa are provided by the Association of Marital and Family unit Regulatory Boards.

There have been concerns raised within the profession virtually the fact that specialist training in couples therapy – every bit singled-out from family therapy in general - is not required to proceeds a license every bit an MFT or membership of the main professional body, the AAMFT.[41]

Values and ethics

Since problems of interpersonal conflict, power, command, values, and ideals are often more pronounced in relationship therapy than in private therapy, there has been contend within the profession about the dissimilar values that are implicit in the various theoretical models of therapy and the role of the therapist's own values in the therapeutic process, and how prospective clients should best get nearly finding a therapist whose values and objectives are most consistent with their ain. An early paper on ethics in family unit therapy written past Vincenzo Di Nicola in consultation with a bioethicist asked bones questions about whether strategic interventions "hateful what they say" and if it is upstanding to invent opinions offered to families about the treatment process, such as statements proverb that one-half of the treatment team believes ane matter and half believes another.[42] [43] [44] [45] Specific bug that have emerged accept included an increasing questioning of the longstanding notion of therapeutic neutrality,[46] [47] [48] a concern with questions of justice and self-determination,[49] connectedness and independence,[fifty] "functioning" versus "actuality",[8] and questions about the caste of the therapist's "pro-union/family" versus "pro-individual" commitment.[51]

The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy requires members to adhere to a "Lawmaking of Ethics", including a commitment to "keep therapeutic relationships only so long as information technology is reasonably articulate that clients are benefiting from the relationship."[52]

Founders and primal influences

Some central developers of family therapy are:

  • Alfred Adler (individual psychology)
  • Nathan Ackerman (psychoanalytic)
  • Tom Andersen (reflecting practices and dialogues about dialogues)
  • Harlene Anderson (postmodern collaborative therapy and Collaborative Language Systems)
  • Maurizio Andolfi (interactional, integrative, multigenerational, and relational family unit therapy)
  • Harry J Aponte (Person-of-the-Therapist)
  • Jack A. Apsche (family fashion deactivation therapy, FMDT)
  • Gregory Bateson (1904–1980) (cybernetics, systems theory)
  • Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (contextual therapy, intergenerational, relational ethics)
  • Murray Bowen (systems theory, intergenerational)
  • Steve de Shazer (solution focused therapy)
  • Vincenzo Di Nicola (cultural family therapy)
  • Milton H. Erickson (hypnotherapy, strategic therapy, cursory therapy)
  • Richard Fisch (brief therapy, strategic therapy)
  • James Framo (object relations theory, intergenerational, family-of-origin therapy)
  • Edwin Friedman (family process in religious congregations)
  • Harry Goolishian (postmodern collaborative therapy and collaborative language systems)
  • John Gottman (marriage)
  • Robert-Jay Green (LGBT, cross-cultural issues)
  • Douglas Haldane (Attachment-based couple therapist)
  • Jay Haley (strategic therapy, communications)
  • Lynn Hoffman (strategic, post-systems, collaborative)
  • Don D. Jackson (systems theory)
  • Sue Johnson (emotionally focused therapy, attachment theory)
  • Walter Kempler (Gestalt psychology)
  • Cloe Madanes (strategic therapy)
  • Salvador Minuchin (structural family therapy)
  • Braulio Montalvo (structural family therapy)[53]
  • Virginia Satir (communications, experiential, conjoint and co-therapy)
  • Mara Selvini Palazzoli (Milan family systems therapy)
  • Karl Tomm (IPscope model and interventive interviewing, Bringforthism)
  • Robin Skynner (group analysis)
  • Paul Watzlawick (brief therapy, systems theory)
  • John Weakland (cursory therapy, strategic therapy, systems theory)
  • Carl Whitaker (family unit systems, experiential, co-therapy)
  • Michael White (narrative therapy)
  • Lyman Wynne (schizophrenia, pseudomutuality)

Summary of theories and techniques

(references: [54] [55] [56] [57])

Theoretical model Theorists Summary Techniques
Adlerian family therapy Alfred Adler As well known as "private psychology". Sees the person equally a whole. Ideas include compensation for feelings of inferiority leading to striving for significance toward a fictional last goal with a private logic. Birth order and mistaken goals are explored to examine mistaken motivations of children and adults in the family constellation. Psychoanalysis, typical 24-hour interval, reorienting, re-educating
Attachment theory John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth, Douglas Haldane Individuals are shaped by their experiences with caregivers in the first three years of life. Used as a foundation for Object Relations Theory. The Strange Situation experiment with infants involves a systematic process of leaving a child alone in a room in club to assess the quality of their parental bond. Psychoanalysis, play therapy
Bowenian family systems therapy Murray Bowen, Betty Carter, Philip Guerin, Michael Kerr, Thomas Fogarty, Monica McGoldrick, Edwin Friedman, Daniel Papero Also known as "intergenerational family unit therapy" (although there are also other schools of intergenerational family therapy). Family members are driven to achieve a balance of internal and external differentiation, causing anxiety, triangulation, and emotional cutoff. Families are afflicted by nuclear family emotional processes, sibling positions and multigenerational transmission patterns resulting in an undifferentiated family ego mass. Detriangulation, nonanxious presence, genograms, coaching
Cerebral behavioral family therapy John Gottman, Albert Ellis, Albert Bandura Problems are the result of operant workout that reinforces negative behaviors within the family'southward interpersonal social exchanges that extinguish desired beliefs and promote incentives toward unwanted behaviors. This tin pb to irrational behavior and a faulty family schema. Therapeutic contracts, modeling, systematic desensitization, shaping, charting, examining irrational beliefs
Collaborative language systems therapy Harry Goolishian, Harlene Anderson, Tom Andersen, Lynn Hoffman, Peggy Penn Individuals course meanings about their experiences within the context of social human relationship on a personal and organizational level. Collaborative therapists assistance families reorganize and dis-solve their perceived problems through a transparent dialogue almost inner thoughts with a "not-knowing" stance intended to illicit new significant through conversation. Collaborative therapy is an approach that avoids a particular theoretical perspective in favor of a client-centered philosophical process. Dialogical conversation, not knowing, marvel, existence public, reflecting teams
Communications approaches Virginia Satir, John Banmen, Jane Gerber, Maria Gomori All people are born into a main survival triad between themselves and their parents where they adopt survival stances to protect their self-worth from threats communicated by words and behaviors of their family members. Experiential therapists are interested in altering the overt and covert messages betwixt family members that bear upon their body, heed and feelings in order to promote congruence and to validate each person's inherent self-worth. Equality, modeling advice, family life chronology, family sculpting, metaphors, family reconstruction
Contextual therapy Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy Families are built upon an unconscious network of implicit loyalties between parents and children that can be damaged when these "relational ideals" of fairness, trust, entitlement, mutuality and merit are breached. Rebalancing, family negotiations, validation, filial debt repayment
Cultural family therapy Vincenzo Di Nicola

Key influences: Celia Falicov, Antonio Ferreira, James Framo, Edwin Friedman, Mara Selvini Palazzoli, Carlos Sluzki, Victor Turner, Michael White

A synthesis of systemic family therapy with cultural psychiatry to create cultural family unit therapy (CFT). CFT is an interweaving of stories (family predicaments expressed in narratives of family life) and tools (clinical methods for working with and making sense of these stories in cultural context). Integrates and synthesizes systemic therapy and cultural and medical anthropology with narrative therapy Conceptual tools for working across cultures - spirals, masks, roles, codes, cultural strategies, bridges, stories, multiple codes (metaphor and somatics), therapy every bit "story repair"
Emotion-focused therapy Sue Johnson, Les Greenberg Couples and families can develop rigid patterns of interaction based on powerful emotional experiences that hinder emotional engagement and trust. Treatment aims to enhance empathic capabilities of family members by exploring deep-seated habits and modifying emotional cues. Reflecting, validation, heightening, reframing, restructuring
Experiential family unit therapy Carl Whitaker, David Keith,[58] Laura Roberto, Walter Kempler, John Warkentin, Thomas Malone, August Napier Stemming from Gestalt foundations, alter and growth occurs through an existential encounter with a therapist who is intentionally "existent" and authentic with clients without pretense, often in a playful and sometimes absurd way every bit a means to foster flexibility in the family unit and promote individuation. Battling, constructive anxiety, redefining symptoms, affective confrontation, co-therapy, humor
Family mode deactivation therapy (FMDT) Jack A. Apsche Target population adolescents with conduct and behavioral issues. Based on schema theory. Integrate mindfulness to focus family on the present. Validate core beliefs based on past experiences. Offer viable alternative responses. Treatment is based on case conceptualization procedure; validate and analyze cadre beliefs, fears, triggers, and behaviors. Redirect behavior by anticipating triggers and realigning beliefs and fears. Cerebral behavioral therapy, mindfulness, credence and commitment therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, defusion, validate-clarify-redirect
Family-of-origin therapy James Framo He adult an object relations approach to intergenerational and family-of-origin therapy. Working with several generations of the family, family-of-origin approach with families in therapy and with trainees
Feminist family therapy Sandra Bem Marianne Walters Complications from social and political disparity betwixt genders are identified as underlying causes of disharmonize within a family system. Therapists are encouraged to exist aware of these influences in lodge to avoid perpetuating hidden oppression, biases and cultural stereotypes and to model an egalitarian perspective of healthy family relationships. Demystifying, modeling, equality, personal accountability
Milan systemic family therapy Luigi Boscolo, Gianfranco Cecchin, Mara Selvini Palazzoli, Giuliana Prata A practical attempt by the "Milan Grouping" to establish therapeutic techniques based on Gregory Bateson's cybernetics that disrupts unseen systemic patterns of command and games between family unit members past challenging erroneous family beliefs and reworking the family unit's linguistic assumptions. Hypothesizing, circular questioning, neutrality, counterparadox
MRI cursory therapy Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson, Heinz von Foerster Established past the Mental Research Establish (MRI) as a synthesis of ideas from multiple theorists in club to interrupt misguided attempts by families to create offset and 2nd social club change by persisting with "more than of the same", mixed signals from unclear metacommunication and paradoxical double-bind letters. Reframing, prescribing the symptom, relabeling, restraining (going slow), Bellac Ploy
Narrative therapy Michael White, David Epston People use stories to make sense of their experience and to establish their identity as a social and political constructs based on local knowledge. Narrative therapists avoid marginalizing their clients by positioning themselves every bit a co-editor of their reality with the idea that "the person is non the trouble, but the problem is the problem." Deconstruction, externalizing problems, mapping, asking permission
Object relations therapy Hazan & Shaver, David Scharff & Jill Scharff, James Framo, Individuals cull relationships that attempt to heal insecure attachments from childhood. Negative patterns established by their parents (object) are projected onto their partners. Detriangulation, co-therapy, psychoanalysis, holding environs
Psychoanalytic family therapy Nathan Ackerman Past applying the strategies of Freudian psychoanalysis to the family system therapists tin gain insight into the interlocking psychopathologies of the family unit members and seek to improve complementarity Psychoanalysis, actuality, joining, confrontation
Solution focused therapy Kim Insoo Berg, Steve de Shazer, William O'Hanlon, Michelle Weiner-Davis, Paul Watzlawick The inevitable onset of constant alter leads to negative interpretations of the past and language that shapes the meaning of an individual's situation, diminishing their promise and causing them to overlook their own strengths and resources. Futurity focus, beginner'southward heed, miracle question, goal setting, scaling
Strategic therapy Jay Haley, Cloe Madanes Symptoms of dysfunction are purposeful in maintaining homeostasis in the family bureaucracy equally it transitions through diverse stages in the family life bike. Directives, paradoxical injunctions, positioning, metaphoric tasks, restraining (going slow)
Structural family therapy Salvador Minuchin, Harry Aponte, Charles Fishman, Braulio Montalvo Family problems arise from maladaptive boundaries and subsystems that are created inside the overall family arrangement of rules and rituals that governs their interactions. Joining, family mapping, hypothesizing, reenactments, reframing, unbalancing


  • Australian and New Zealand Periodical of Family unit Therapy
  • Contemporary Family Therapy
  • Family Process
  • Family Relations
  • Family Relations, Interdisciplinary Journal of Practical Family unit Studies ISSN 0197-6664
  • Journal of Family Therapy
  • Wedlock Fitness
  • Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice
  • Journal of Marital & Family Therapy
  • Families, Systems and Health

See likewise

  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Child corruption
  • Conflict resolution
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Deinstitutionalisation
  • Domestic violence
  • Dysfunctional family
  • Emotionally focused therapy
  • Family Environment Scale
  • Family unit Life Education
  • Family Life Space
  • Identified patient
  • Impact Therapy
  • Internal Family Systems Model
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy
  • Interpersonal human relationship
  • Mediation
  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
  • Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
  • Positive psychology
  • Human relationship education
  • Relationships Australia
  • Strategic Family Therapy
  • Abnormal Psychology


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Farther reading

  • Deborah Weinstein, The Pathological Family: Postwar America and the Rise of Family Therapy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Printing, 2013.
  • Satir, Five., Banmen, J., Gerber, J., & Gomori, Grand. (1991). The Satir Model: Family unit Therapy and Beyond. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.
  • The Systemic Thinking and Practice Series. Routledge

This page was final edited on 28 February 2022, at 19:22


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